Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Bow and Arrow

This is my bow and arrow I made a few month ago. I made it out celtis wood and string, and boy, you should see what it can do, I've lost more than five arrows over the fence and when I shoot it at a tree, it doesn't bounce off it stays in there.


Sarah said...

That's awesome Bridget! I can't believe you made that yourself. What do you make the arrows from? Do you have a photo of an arrow stuck in a tree? Love your blog design also.

Sarah said...

ps I'd probably put Mary Mary as my no 1 Monkees song. No 2 would have to be I'm a believer.

Ben Morgan said...

Hey Bridget
Nice one.
looking good and thanks for the link to ROBOT RESCUE.

Keep us updated of your posts.

Bridget said...

Thanks Sarah, I actually bought the arrows.
I don't have a photo of the tree yet, but I'll take one ASAP.

Bridget said...

Hi Ben,
It's a working progress but thanks for the kind word. It was my pleasure to put ROBOT RESCUE on.